2006年2月9日 星期四



作詞:林怡芬 作曲:李偲菘 編曲:Terence Teo

我的故事 也許比較特別

走過的路 也許比較迂迴

黑暗之中 全憑著直覺

Keep my faith watch my steps

一步步 靠直覺

也許有天 生命中會出現


他不必是個Mr. Perfect

只要他 善良體貼

Be my friend and be my soul mate

我等的人會是誰 何時才出現

Make me whole make me brave

我等的人會是誰 不急在眼前

I can wait I will Pray

也許有天 生命中會出現


他不必是個Mr. Perfect

只要他 善良體貼

Be my friend and be my soul mate

我等的人會是誰 何時才出現

Make me whole make me brave

我等的人會是誰 希望他了解

不管迷惘或堅決 都是我的某一面

我並不追求完美 只要能 用心體會

每一天 都是Better day

我等的人會是誰 何時才出現

Make me whole make me brave

我等的人會是誰 何時才出現

陪著我 一天一點

讓生命 能變得更美


5 則留言:

  1. 來者何人?留之者誰?報上名來!!(天啊,我瘋了)

  2. Beautiful Soul(天使的心)

    I don't want another pretty face

    I don't want just anyone to hold

    I don't want my love to go to waste

    I want you and your beautiful soul

    Your the one I wanna chase

    Your the one I wanna hold

    I won't let another minute go to waste

    I want you and your beautiful soul...

    I know that you are something special

    To you i'll be always faithful

    I want to be what you always needed

    Then i hope you see the heart in me

    I don't want another pretty face

    I don't want just anyone to hold

    I don't want my love to go to waste

    I want you and your beautiful soul


  3. Your the one I wanna chase

    Your the one I wanna hold

    I won't let another minute go to waste

    I want you and your beautilful soul

    (Your beautiful soul, yeah...)

    You might need time to think it over

    But i'm just fine moving forward

    I'll ease your mind, if you give me the chance

    I'll never make you cry, come on let's try

    Am i crazy for wanting you

    Baby do you think you could want me too

    I dont wanna waste your time

    Do you see things the way I do

    I just wanna know that you feel it too

    There is nothing left to hide

    ㄏㄏ 剛好再聽一首歌~~~


  4. 默契

    作詞:Pin Lean/中文:鄭淑妃 作曲:Pin Lean 編曲:湯文洋 和


    喜歡這種空氣 在一起 很Easy 習慣這種默契 有點像知己

    有點像自己 想你電話聲就響起 我確定是你 心電感應的魔力

    天塌了下來 你是我的屋頂 當我Down到谷底 你是我的滑翔翼

    飛到沒有人的島嶼 Just you & me just you & me 一分鐘我也願意

    分享兩個人的秘密 Just you & me just you & me 笑著流淚的甜蜜



